Mutants and Masterminds/DC Adventures Advantages to Fate stunts

This game has a middle ground between Powers and Skills as well, Combat Advantages, Fortune Advantages, General Advantages and Skill Advantages.

I have been meaning to consider them for a while, so

Accurate Attack

Here you take a number off damage and add to the chance to hit. Which is straightforward enough in somewhat decoupled from the standard roll and success shifts in things like FATERIP,, where you compare rolls for success and apply damage from Strength, Powers, etc. A generic form :

Accurate Attack: Gain +2 to your Attack Roll while reducing Shifts of Damage done by 2.

Agile Feint

Use Deception instead of Acrobatics of movement speed in combat. Lists the Flash having this example…why you’d use it instead of high rank superspeed, I dunno.

Generic Form:

Agile Feint: Use Deceive instead of Athletics as a defense in combat?

All-Out Attack

Sacrificing Defense for Attack.

Generic Form:

All-Out Attack: Gain +2 to your Attack Roll while reducing your Defense Roll by 2.

Animal Empathy

Communicate with animals as though people.

Generic Form:

Allows the use of Empathy, Rapport and Provoke Skills on animals as if they were people.


Create temporary magical items, kit-bashing and jury rigging style. An Omnigadget with magical flavour.

Generic Form:

Use Lore to Create an Advantage for a scene tied to a temporary magical device.


The ability to work out a target’s Combat abilities.

Generic Form:

A GM Create Advantage roll of Notice defended by Deceive. Success with Style gives the PC the ladder ranks of the target’s abilities exactly. Otherwise, better or worse. Failure lets the GM lie.


Very good looking.

Generic Form:

Gain +2 to Deceive or Rapport rolls againts targets that like how you look.

Beginner’s Luck

Get access to a Skill that you don’t have.

Generic Form:

Spend a Fate Point and gain a Skill at +2 for the Scene if you do not have it or is is only Average.


You have some useful ability or background not covered else, like being ambidextrous, a knighthood, or having secret information access clearance.

Generic Form:

Use an Aspect.


Grabbing and restraining an opponent means you can cause them to suffocate.

Generic Form:

On a successul Physique Attack you get to automatically cause a Minor Consequence of Suffocating. If the target fails to Overcome by the end of the scene you take them out.

Close Attack

Good at hitting people hand to hand combat.

Generic Form:

Gain +2 to Athletics when attacking a direct opponent in hand to hand combat.


You know people who can help you out when asked.

Generic Form:

This is the Contacts skill, directly.


You can make someone hesitant to act in opposition..

Generic Form:

Use either Deceive or Provoke (pick one when buying) to Create an Advantage of a Hesitant Aspect on a target in combat.

Defensive Attack

Sacrificing Attack for Defense.

Generic Form:

Gain a +2 on Defense Rolls while reducing Attack Rolls by 2.


Your innate toughness means you aren’t going to bleed out, etc., when seriously wounded.

Generic Form:

An opponent who Takes You Out must spend a a Fate Point and have the unhindered to opportunity to dramatically finish you off to kill you. You may spend a Fate Point to make them think they have done so.

Eidetic Memory

You have perfect recall of everything you have ever come across.

Generic Form:

Gain +2 to Lore rolls on memory checks and to defend against Memory attacks. Allow Lore rolls at rank 0 to know difficult or obscure information outside your area of expertise.


Have stuff you rely on like Gear, Vehicles or Headquarters.

Generic Form:

Use Aspects and Stunts for utility belts, super transports or secret Antarctic fortresses if important enough.


You are good at avoiding getting blown up, stuck in fires, etc.

Generic Form:

Gain +2 to Athletics rolls to Defend against area effect weapons.

Extraordinary Effort

Expend your energy reserves to perform at levels above what you are normally capable of.

Generic Form:

Gain +2 to Skill checks for your turn but immediately take a Fatigued Mild Consequence. If you already have a Mild Consequence, roll it up to the next one.


You can captivate others.

Generic Form:

Using Deceive, Rapport or Provoke (choose one when buying) you can Create An Advantage defended by Will of Entranced on the target or targets until Overcome.

Fast Grab

In hand to hand combat hurt and grapple at the same time.

Generic Form:

A successful unarmed combat Athletics action will do damage and also Create An Advantage of a Grappled Aspect on the target, until this Physique effect is Overcome.

Favored Environment

You are good at fighting in an out of the ordinary location like space, the water, desert, jungle etc.

Generic Form:

Gain +2 to Attack and Defend when in combat in your named when bought Favored Environment.

Favored Foe

You are particularly good at fighting one specific class of adversary. Robot fighter, alien bounty hunter, massacrer of mafia, turning undead, etc.

Generic Form:

Gain +2 on Deceive, Provoke and Notice rolls related to your Favored Foe.


You are completely immune to being scared.

Generic Form:

You automatically succeed at a minimum on Defense against fear attacks and effects.

Grabbing Finesse

You are a speedy rather than brutish wrestler.

Generic Form:

Make Grappling type attacks with Athletics instead of Physique.

Great Endurance

You do not tire or succumb to the environment easily.

Generic Form:

Gain +2 to Physique or Will checks against tiring, hunger, cold, thirst, heat, holding your breath, etc.

Hide In Plain Sight

Conceal yourself with a minimum of cover.

Generic Form:

Allows instantaneous Stealth rolls to hide in any circumstance that can be minimally explained.

Improved Aim

Take time to get a better shot.

Generic Form:

When you spend a turn aiming automatically Create An Advantage of ‘Improved Aim’ Aspect with two free invokes.

Improved Critical

Be more likely to attack impressively with a chosen method.

Generic Form:

Gain Success with Style on 2 Shifts or more with a specific attack type chosen when bought.

Improved Defense

You are much harder to attack than most other people.

Generic Form:

Utilise Full Defense at +6 rather than +2.

Improved Disarm

You are very skilled at separating people from their weapons.

Generic Form:

The character should be allowed to disarm opponents with normal Attack rolls with no additional difficulty penalties at all.

Improved Grab

You can wrestle one-handed, leaving one free for other actions.

Generic Form:

The character may perform other one-handed actions while indulging in Grappling type actions.

Improved Initiative

You are very good at going first.

Generic Form:

Gain +2 to Notice for comparison on rolls in situations that allow action. Or always get to go first if desired in something like Marvel Heroic initiative style.

Improved Hold

You are very hard to disengage from when wrestling.

Generic Form:

An escapee has a -2 penalty when trying to Overcome your Grappling holds.

Improved Smash

You can target things possessed by opponents very nicely.

Generic Form:

The character should be allowed to attack objects in the possession of opponents with normal Attack rolls with no additional difficulty penalties at all.

Improved Trip

You can make people fall over rather well.

You may choose to knock people over creating a Knocked Down Aspect with an Attack with no added difficulty from normal. Choose Athletics or Physique to do so with the appropriate narration.

Improvised Tools

Never suffer from the lack of gear.

Generic Form:

Improvise from the environment to make tool using Skill rolls with minimally sufficient narrative explanation. If nothing at all is available, do so at a reduced penalty.

Improvised Weapon

You are good at hitting people with whatever comes to hand. Even cars.

Generic Form:

Gain +1 Damage shifts when taking advantage of combat with something you can narrate from the environment that you don’t usually use.


People take heart from your leadership.

Generic Form:

Spend a Fate Point and give all your allies able to perceive your leadership in person +1 to Skill Rolls for one turn.

Instant Up

Never knocked down for long.

Generic Form:

If a character suffers some sort of situation or Aspect that removes them from a standing position they can instantly rectify it as a free action.


Protect others as a human shield.

Generic Form:

Once per turn you may choose to Defend for an ally. The Attack is resolved against you, not them.


You can create new technology, etc.

Generic Form:

Use Crafts to create things that have never existed before that are good for a scene, if prepared.


You are good at doing rather a lot.

Generic Form:

This allows a character to use any Skill in the game as those they have expert knowledge or training when the GM is considering opposing difficulty. Even the 0 level Skills they don’t have.


You know more than your native tongue.

Generic Form:

Gain completely fluency in two different chosen languages. If bought multiple times, exponential stacking, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64…


Your knowledge lets you help out allies in trouble.

Generic Form:

Spend a Fate Point to remove a Mild Consequence from or Overcome a negative Aspect placed on an ally.


You have more than the natural amount of good fortune.

Generic Form:

Once per scene you may reroll as though spending a Fate Point.


You have a supply of followers.

Generic Form:

You have a +2 Mook available to you each game session.


Be flexible in transporting yourself.

Generic Form:

You may split your movement in a turn with no game mechanic penalties up to your normal allowance.

Power Attack

Here you reduce your chance to hit to increase damage done.

Generic Form:

Reduce your Attack Roll -2 to while increasing Shifts of Damage done by 2.

Precise Attack

You are very good at hitting people that are partially hidden.

Generic Form:

Ignore penalties from Aspects or other circumstances to Attack Rolls with targets that are partial concealed as long as the cover is not total or they provide opportunity.

Prone Attack

You can fight from any stance or lack of.

Generic Form:

Ignore Attack or Defense penalties or Knocked Down type aspect invokes when on the ground.

Quick Draw

Always have your weapons to hand.

Generic Form:

No rolls needed or increased difficulties for you to be capable of using your weapons, even if explicitly put away on your person.

Ranged Attack

You are good at fighting from far away.

Generic Form:

Gain +1 to Attack Rolls from a distance.


You can trick an opponent into shooting someone else.

Generic Form:

On a successful Deceive action an attacker makes their attack against the opponent you narrated such trickery involving instead as long as they are nearby and in range.


You can do ritual magic.

Generic Form:

Use Lore to perform magical rituals.

Second Chance

You get another try at avoiding something like animal bites, falling, electricity, etc.

Generic Form:

Choose any specific hazard or bad thing. If you fail a Roll involving this you may immediately Roll again and take the better for you of the two results.

Seize Initiative

Automatically go first.

Generic Form:

Spend a Fate Point and act first, regardless.


Transfer an Attack result to an ally. Fast guy feints for Strong girl to bring the hammer down, etc.

Generic Form:

You Attack as normal and if successful an ally or allies may deliver the damage or effect.


You have a partner that isn’t as good as you.

Generic Form:

You get a loyal Named NPC on your side, run by the GM. You can spend Fate Points for them.

Skill Mastery

Be very cool under pressure in one field.

Generic Form:

For the chosen Skill when this is bought you may choose to not Roll the dice and declare you Rolled a 0 instead, in any situation.


Be scary rather than sneaky.

Generic Form:

You may use Provoke instead of Deceive in combat at all times when appropriate.


Clean up the Mooks.

Generic Form:

If you Attack and successfully take out a Mook, you may attack again if there are any Mooks within range and near the first victim. Continue doing so until you fail to Take Out any or you run out of Mooks.


You are rather good at mockery.

Generic Form:

You may use Deceive rather than Provoke to make your opponents feel bad or worried.


Help out your friends well.

Generic Form:

Gain an extra +2 when assisting your allies in an Action.

Throwing Mastery

You are good at hurting people with missiles.

Generic Form:

Gain +1 Shifts of damage on an attack with a thrown weapon. You may also turn any ordinary harmless item into a thrown weapon that works like a standard Fate Core attack.


You are good at following even poor trails.

Generic Form:

Gain +2 to Notice to follow a trail as long as it is visually possible.


Appear as if dead with extremely slowed body processes.

Generic Form:

After a turn of meditation at least you gain the ability to survive suffocation, etc. for Will extra Time Shifts and suspend the action of poison and disease for the same amoutn of time.

Ultimate Effort

Go for the critical.

Generic Form:

Spend a Fate Point to state one Skill Roll gains a Success With Style, no Roll needed.

Uncanny Dodge

You are extremely observant of possible danger.

Generic Form:

You suffer no penalties or allow opponents any bonuses from surprising you or surprise type Aspects.

Weapon Bind

A defensive grab

Generic Form:

If choosing Full Defense and you are attacked hand to hand by an opponent you may make an Attack action to disarm them.

Weapon Break

A defensive smash.

Generic Form:

If choosing Full Defense and you are attacked hand to hand by an opponent you may make an Attack action against their weapon.


There’s a good chance you know something about them.

Generic Form:

You may make an Investigate or Rapport roll (chosen when bought) the first time you come across a person or persons/organisation to see if you already know something about them.

Hulk vs The Thing and Shang Chi – Marvel Two-In-One Combat Example

Marvel Two In-One

PCS: The Thing and Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu

GM: The Hulk looks mad. In fact, he just tossed that completely and utterly spotlessly clean SUV over that small building. What do you do?

The Thing: (winceing) I’ll get in his way.

GM grins, totally likely additional property damage. “Rocky Man get out of Hulks’s way”

The Thing: “Aunt Petunia’s nephew ain’t movin’ even if you breathe on me, ugly.”

GM: “Hulk smash funny looking rocky man.” Rolls and gets a -1 with his Remarkable +3 Fighting.

The Thing: “That the best you can do tough guy?” rolls a -1 as well, but has Incredible +4 fighting and some Martial Arts training, so fends off the blow. “Let me show you how they do it on Yancy Street.” Rolls a +0 for fighting. The Rampaging Hulk again swings wildly with a -1. The Thing is one rank better and adding +1 for Martial arts, this is a +3 or Success with Style. “Say goodbye, Junior.”

The Hulk has Monstrous +6 Body Armour but the Thing’s strength is Monstrous +6 so good enough in this case to send the not so Jolly Green Giant flying through the next building and away from fleeing bystanders. Both sides of the building give in as +6 Body Armour is way more than the +3 of usual building concrete. [A roll mechanic would be Endurance etc. vs the +6 strength of the Thing to get from not bothered to through multiple zones(buildings) if a bad result.]

Shang-Chi bows. “Most excellently if expensively done, Mister Grimm. I believe it is my turn next, upon his return.”

Core Skills to Accelerated Approaches

Thanks to Tim Engler

Physique, Fight, Will = Forceful
Stealth, Burglary, Deceive = Sneaky
Empathy, Resources, Crafts = Careful
Rapport, Provoke, Drive = Flashy
Lore, Investigate, Notice = Clever
Contacts, Athletics, Shoot = Quick

Weapon: 0

Weapon: 0

While writing FATERIP this was my idea as a possible option to use. If someone is employing a ‘garden variety’ weapon. Cheap handgun where those are commonly available, knife, blackjack, club, knuckledusters, rock etc then there is no damage bonus.

If using something out of the ordinary, like a large sword, machine gun, sniper rifle, battleaxe, electricity pole etc. then calls those Weapon: 1. Prepared intent to be nasty, if you like, as opposed to stumble into a brawl.

4CS – Cthulhu Rising Adventure Framework

4CS – Cthulhu Rising Adventure Framework

The End of the World As We Know It. Unless a desperate superhero strike force with one last chance can finish a ritual to banish the big Old Octopus God. Only problem is to do that they need to get to R’lyeh.


The near 4CS future. The crazed cultists have won. A successful ritual summoning has brought back an Old One, wreaking havoc. Heroes struggle to shepherd survivors if they are still alive. Nicole Wrath is on the run with superspeedster Emu, attempting to coordinate a global underground secret resistance. Australian Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Djira survives on stimulants and the life energy of a few acolytes trying to buy enough time before dimensional barriers are completely breached. The Band have been beaten down. The Justice Squadron are scattered. Nightblack, warrior of the decades went down fighting in Melbourne, needing an unbreakable shield to go with his sword. Corporate Industrialist Light Knight and her Light Squadron do what those types usually do. Run for a pocket universe fortress to try and come up with an idea, taking the Great Elasto with them. An exhausted Eyebeam and Eric Gale lead mobile mutant strike and rescue teams, fighting Shoggoths and other horrors. Prince Atlantis leads his people in holding off a Deep One invasion.

Barbecue is the woman with the plan. A small, versatile team on a lightning raid to R’lyeh. Then help him finish a ritual to banish the badness. The one problem: it requires a blood sacrifice. One of the heroes must die.


Send the Elder God back
Not Everyone Gets Out Alive
Getting Out Dead Could Be Even Worse



Doctor Benner, melted by radiocative Big MaRS
You Wouldn’t Like Me When I’m Angry
It’s Not Easy Being Green
Gulp! Smash

M: Remarkable (30)
C: Good (10)
B: Unearthly (100)
F: Monstrous (75)
I: Feeble (2)
A: Typical (6)
W: Remarkable (30)

Resources: Feeble (2)
Popularity: Good (-10)

Damage: 215
Fortune: 38

Other Skills

Class 1000 (1000) Invulnerability: Cold, Heat, Fire, Disease
Unearthly (100) Super Movement: Leaping only up to 50 zones a turn
Monstrous (75) Body Armor: Physical, Astral Detection
Amazing (50) Body Armor: Energy


Anger Surge: Gulp! gets mad when fighting the same people for multiple turns. Each turn her Fighting and Strength go up (10) to a maximum of (100). When that fight is over she returns to the normal Gulp! state.

Alter Ego Betty Benner

I was a victim of shoddy fast food safety practices
A tv reporter on the scene gave me my angry nickname after seeing the manager’s reaction

M: Poor (4)
C: Typical (6)
B: Typical (6)
F: Typical (6)
I: Remarkable (30)
AI: Good (10)
W: Typical (6)

Damage: 22
Fortune: 46

Other Skills

Incredible (40) PhysiRS

Invisible Man

Father of a Mutant
A Thing For Princess Atlantia

M: Good (10)
C: Good (10)
B: Typical (6)
F: Remarkable (30)
I: Good (10)
I: Excellent (20)
W: Good (10)

Resources: Remarkable (30)
Popularity: Amazing (50)

Other Skills

Monstrous (75) Force Field: one zone
Excellent (20) Invisibility, Martial Arts
Good (10) Academics, Science
Typical (6) Flight


Tasmanian curmudgeon
Having a skeleton implanted at a secret military base was rather traumatic
Berserk killer
Loves a beer and a joint

M: Incredible (40)
C: Remarkable (30)
B: Good (10)
F: Remarkable (30)
I: Typical (6)
I: Monstrous (75)
W: Incredible (40)

Resources: Typical (6)
Popularity: Typical (6)

Damage: 110
Fortune: 121

Other Skills

Class 1000 (1000) Her claws vs non-living will cut through anything up to Class 1000
Unearthly (100) Resistance: Poison, Disease
Monstrous (75) Tracking
Amazing (50) Martial Arts, Sword
Remarkable (30) Regeneration (requires rest).
Excellent (20) Claws vs living, Contacts, Espionage
Good (10) Adamantium Skeleton bonus damage when using body parts as weapons


I was a teenage expatriate Soviet Super Soldier. It sucked.
The old dancer-turned footy player as spy cover story.

M: Incredible (40)
C: Remarkable (30)
B: Good (10)
F: Excellent (20)
I: Good (10)
I: Incredible (40)
W: Excellent (20)

Resources: Good (10)
Popularity: Remarkble (30)

Damage: 100
Fortune: 70

Other Skills

Remarkable (30) Wallcrawling: via costume, Explosives: via belt
Amazing (50) Martial Arts, Spider Bite – Damage: Energy (20); Gas (20); 3 zone grappling hook; radio
Excellent (20) Contacts, Detective, Espionage, Military


Atlantean Princess
Slumming in tight shorts

M: Remarkable (30)
C: Remarkable (30)
B: Amazing (50)
F: Remarkable (30)
I: Typical (6)
I: Excellent (20)
W: Excellent (20)

Resources: Good (10)
Popularity: Good (10)

Damage: 140
Fortune: 46

Other Skills

Excellent (20) Ocean Sciences
Good (10) Body Armour: Physical, Science
Poor (4) Flight


Atlanteans can breathe underwater and are cold resistant and swim like fish.


Former Soldier
Short a Leg, but I can Kit Bash one
Cooked a few teammates for Blood and Souls

M: Good (10)
C: Good (10)
B: Good (10)
F: Excellent (20)
I: Incredible (40)
I: Good (10)
W: Amazing (50)

Resources: Typical (6)
Popularity: Good (10)

Other Skills

Unearthly (100) Optics
Monstrous (75) Magic: Dimensional opening and sealing ritual only
Amazing (50) Inventing: Jury Rig pretty much anything he thinks of, Cybernetics, Electronics
Incredible (40) Spirit Sight


She has a high-tech Headquarters with all sorts of outlandish technology.

Crimson Warlock

I should be so lucky
My mother is a bad, bad woman with an overly magnetic personality
Recovering Insane Genocidal Maniac
No, you really can’t breed with a robot

M: Good (10)
C: Good (10)
B: Typical (6)
F: Excellent (20)
I: Good (10)
I: Excellent (20)
W: Remarkable (30)

Resources: Typical (6)
Popularity: Good (10)

Damage: 46
Fortune: 60

Other Skills

Amazing (50) Probability Alteration: He can cause unlikely things to happen on a roll
Excellent (20) Mysteries, Occult, Magic: General sorcery and Eldritch bolts, Shields are Incredible (40)
Good (10) Telekinesis

Cthulhu Cultist

Fan of gibbering horrors
Worshipper of Elder Gods
Appears in all genders and sizes

M: Typical (5)
C: Typical (5)
B: Typical (5)
F: Typical (5)
I: Poor (3)
I: Poor (3)
W: Good (8)

Resources: Typical (5)
Popularity: Typical (5)

Damage: 20
Fortune: 14

Other Skills

Occult: Good (8)

Or treat as Typical (5) mooks.

Deep One

Amphibious Old One Servants

M: Typical (5)
C: Typical (5)
B: Good (8)
F: Typical (5)
I: Good (8)
A: Typical (5)
W: Typical (5)

Resources: Typical (5)
Popularity: Typical (5)

Other Skills

Good (10) Body Amour, Claws, Spear


Water breathing

Or treat as Good (8) mooks.


5 metre around nasty blob horror
Steadfast guardian

M: Typical (5)
C: Shift 0 (0)
B: Incredible (38)
F: Remarkable (28)
I: Poor (3)
A: Poor (3)
W: Typical (5)

Resources: (0)
Popularity: -Remarkable (-30)

Damage: 71
Fortune: 11

Other Skills

Excellent (18): Body Armour: Energy, Radiation
Good (8) Body Armour: Physical (smooshy and snotty)


A Shoggoth can attack multiple targets in its area with no penalty. Tentacles. Many slimy tentacles.

Big Shoggoth

7 metre around nasty blob horror
Steadfast guardian

M: Typical (5)
C: Shift 0 (0)
B: Amazing (48)
F: Incredible (38)
I: Poor (3)
I: Poor (3)
W: Typical (5)

Damage: 91
Fortune: 11

Other Skills

Remarkable (28): Body Armour: Energy, Radiation
Excellent (18) Body Armour: Physical (smooshy and snotty)


A Shoggoth can attack multiple targets in its area with no penalty. Even bigger slimy tentacles.


Really designed as a one shot adventure, if they really liked the setting it could be Shoggoth and deep one and crazed cultist fighting time afterwards. Or engineering work, too. Or creepy Call of Cthulhu what did we miss style subplots for afterwards. Then the character that died comes back as an evil horror leader and really, really wants the rest of the heroes to join them.

If the players want to use their own characters and there are several, then suggestions:

A Brick [use a Barbecue kit bashed tech boost if the PC is not strong/hardy enough for the scenario] – Shoggoths are tough
Lethal Killers – for occupying servitors
Sneaky Types – for getting by and/or hiding others
Magic Users – for the ritual and support
Super Genius – for building and ancient languages
Protectors – that can use shields, forcefields, barrier creation, etc.

If only one PC is playing, just add them to the team if they want to use their own character.

Barbecue has kit bashed some gear to let the players survive underwater and Atlantia is along for support, given her natural abilities. The gear could get damaged, particularly in a succeed with cost or taken out and other such combat scenarios. She could get someone that can’t breathe out at least alive. Allow them more standard type weapons that will work underwater if they want to take them. Spear guns, knives, swords, etc. Assume the gear warm will have an underwater knife in a calf sheath.


The Underwater City has been located, the players assemble off New England. Have a cultist patrol attack if you fancy a warmup.

The heroes must traverse an ever blackening sea, harassed by Deep Ones. Using lighting is a beacon to draw attacks with higher probability. Which they should quickly discover.

Finding the city might cause Willpower checks to stay the course. Or Fortune if they fail, to preserve their sanity.

Definitely a whole bunch of attackers to get through, or to delay while part of the group searches for the ritual site. Just some perhaps slightly tougher Deep Ones, even led by a Mage if more than one sorcery capable hero. Not enough to need a Brick though.

Traps. Give them at least one Indiana Jones or D&D classic to survive on entering the ritual chamber. Plus a spears from the wall trap. Deep Ones love their spears. Then one from the floor. And one from the ceiling. If you can’t think of one, the classic stone in floor opens so you fall into a pit of slavering eldritch horrors works wonders.

The tough hero came for a reason. Shoggoths. If it is Gulp!, plenty of them and the chamber is big enough. Otherwise, enough to challenge our super strong friend. Shoggoths have tentacles, so even sneaking past gives them at least one chance to attack.

The idea is to get the ritual done, not beat all the Shoggoths. If the Gulp! smashes them too quickly, throw some more at him, pile on with tougher ones even.

If two magic capable characters make it, the ritual can be performed more quickly with an easier difficulty. Having the main person doing the ritual decide to sacrifice themselves during the performance will definitely go badly wrong if they are dumb enough. The assistant could, but will make a really nasty bad guy later when they return from the dead and the depths.

If only one original PC playing, the Redback will volunteer to take the ritual knife in the heart. Vandemon will overrule her, reasoning that there’s a chance he will survive. Or anybody, if no-one is pretty much dead already. Whether having a pseudo immortal in the ritual messes it up slightly is a GM call. If he makes it back, maybe he has a hybrid infection. Hate Brood and Mythos then.

If the characters don’t work out that using Karma etc. on the ritual roll is a good one, then becoming smooshed Shoggoth stains is pretty well deserved. If you are feeling nice, have a massive aquatic monster smash the walls in to give them a clue this is an even more desperate situation.

After an evil magical ritual in a trapped underwater city, of course the city will fall down around their ears. So they have to survive rubble, any opponents in the city, and an extra few on the way back and if feeling mean, an armed cultist welcoming party. Which a rather grumpy hero group is likely to treat very meanly. If they have done a good job and are almost dead, have someone else take them out. Otherwise, let Gulp! smash puny humans.



Cthulhu: Wikipedia –

DC Adventures RPG: Universe – More characters than you would think

This has more than you would expect in it, having rather good Character Cost and solid enough character density…much more description spent on the various areas of the universe as opposed to characters, too.

Over 1/3 are of the villainous variety.

$20.00 –…

Arion, Amazon Warrior, Atomic Knight, Accomplished Perfect Physician, August General In Iron, Amon Hakk, Alley-Kat-Abra, Amethyst, — Whisper A’Daire, Kyle Abott, Artemiz,

Black Pirate, Bat Lash, Harvey Bullock, Director Bones, Brainiac II, Bounder, Brainiac III, Broot, Batman Beyond, Bruce Wayne, Blok, — Blackrock, Bernadeth, Black Beetle,

C.A.P., Checkmate Knight, Cameron Chase, Celestial Archer, Commander Ciji, Captain Carrot, Coluan Technician, — Jim Corrigan, Controller, Crystal Creature, Catwoman, Cyberpak,

Dan Turpin, D.E.O. Agent, Doc II, Doctor Occult, Doctor Thirteen, Daxamite, Durlan Spy, — Darkstar Envoy, Doctor Diehard, Dreamslayer, Dominator Soldier, Dark Circle Clone Soldier,

Enemy Ace, Elu, Earth-Man, — Epoch,

Fastback, — Faceless Hunter,

James Gordon, G. I. Robot, Gorilla City Guardsman, Ghost Fox Killer, Ghosts of the Wicked, Garv, Gates, — Gorgon,

Hawk Wingman, Highfather,

Imperial Guardian Lion, Immortal-Man-In-Darkness, — Intergang thug, Infinite Man,

Knight, Kilowog, Kamandi, Khund Cyber-Soldier, — Koolar Warrior,

Liberty Belle [Jesse Chammbers, Libby Lawrence Chambers,], Lady Quark, — Lord Havok, Lashina,

Josie Mac, Mother of Champions, Maxima, Mister E, Metron, — Bruno Mannheim, Manhunter Agent, Manhunter Android, Mercury Monster, Monguls, Mantis, Mad Harriet,

Naltorian Seer,

Pig-Iron, — Psion Researcher,


Rocket Red, Ryan D’R, Rubberduck, — Religion of Crime cultist,

Johnny Thunder, Thunderbolt, Jakeem Thunder, Tellus, — Time Commander, Time Trapper,

Scalphunter, Sgt Rock, Sasha Bordeaux, Special Crimes Unit, Maggie Sawyer,
Unknown Soldier, Solovar, Squire, Seven Deadly Brothers, Shaolin Robot, Socialist Red Guardian, StrataLady Quark, Starman, Shade the Changing Man, Science Police Officer, — Sonar, Lady Styx, Superboy-Prime, Stompa, Steppenwolf, Shadow Demons,

Thundermind, Tribulus, Tigorr, Titanian Refugee, — Tracer, Thunderers of Qward,


Vartox, — Virman Vundabarr,


Yankee Poodle,

Wildstar, Waverider, — White Martin, Wood King,

0.14 Character Cost
0.63 Character Density

The Bad Guys – Varied Power Levels in tiny type


Varied Power Levels from 4 to 19…tiny type


Azeraphel, Ace of Wounds,
Big John, Broken Arrow, Black Thunder, Blitzenhammer, Boy Howdy, Bones,
Captain Valiant, Cimarron Starr,
Doctor Shock, Death Angel, Doctor Moloch PhD, Doctor Destructor, Double Deuce, Diamond Deuce,
Executive Solution D, Executive Solution M, Executive Solution Z, Executive Solution X, Executive Solution R, Executive Solution Q, Executive Solution F, Executive Solution Y, Executive Solution D,
Jim Flint [Mr Flint’s Bodyguards], Executive Solution D,
God, Grim Diddle, Grease Monkey,
Helen Damnation, Hammer of Doom,
Johnny Black, Jim Dandy,
Lone Star Lady, Lady Deuce,
Mano del Muerte, Moebius Man, Mother Moebius, Mr Fist,
Sicko the Clown, Snow Queen, Der Shreik, Steel Deuce, Mr Smith,
Der Totenkopf, Texas Twister,
U-Go-Grrrl, Unicorn,
Vampire Girl,
Wolf-Dog, Woodchuck Man,
Zyclon B, Zelma Zimmer,

0.14 Character Cost
0.35 Character Density

Runequest 6 Essential Edition

Artwork?  Pretty reminiscent of the RQ2 style in this.

Combat effects include Bleed and Impale as well as Bash and Stun  (ah, Crush sounds nastier!)

Fumbles….a fumble gains you a free increase of 1% in a skill later on.  That is a nice tweak.

Experience Rolls…GMs award these it seems rather that getting one for the successful use of a skill.  You then improve if you roll d100 > current skill and add INT as a bonus.  Then you go up 1d4+1%…fail the roll, go up 1%.

Then there is the paying for training version, as well.

The Disease and Poison Conditions table has 18!  Death is one. 🙂

Fatigue – rules for this, speaking of more conditions.  ‘Tracking Fatigue and its effects makes for additional book-keeping’

Permanent Injury Table….character loses 1/3, 2/3 or all but one Hit Points in a location.  Ouch!

Inanimate Object ratings – expanding on the swords/armour idea in RQ2 with tables, so a chair has 2 Armour and 6 Hit Points.  Solidly useful stuff games that have tables of that sort of thing.  Although of course can use the standard BRP opposition table for that sort of thing, fast version.

Page 77 – Combat can be a very deadly business:

This we knew, game of Impales (and Slashes and Crushes in the past, always used those too…so carnage and mayhem from all weapon types)

Initiative?  Ok, now they have gone MSH or V&V…1d10 and add to Strike Rank.  Which is reversed, so higher is better!

Proactive Actions you can do with action points, another list of options


Dither – A character can decide to simply waste his turn doing nothing useful

Special Effects – difference in combat success levels gets you them it seems…Impales etc also on here.

Ok, so Sunder is wreck their armour.

Magic Points to go with your Action Points.

The Fire table has Volcanic Lava.

Folk Magic – Dishevel…for when you needed a magical way to make your place look not cleaned?

Theism – “Not every being who receives worship is necessarily a god per se.”  Got that, Ray?

Cult of the Lord Dark Maggot might not be too pleasant.

Divine Intervention now Miracles by the looks.

Earthquake table, to go with the volcanos. Intensity 11+ ‘even colossal stone monuments like pyramids suffer partial collapse’

Chapter 15 has 35 pages of monsters, including a few flavourful ones like Chaos Hybrids, Panthotaurs, Baboons and Winged Apes.  And a big long Chaos Features table.

Character sheets, Combat Tracking Sheet and Index at the end.
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