The Million Dungeon Project

In January I adapted the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition Random Dungeon Generator to code, which is available here:-

This launches a container that you can run the code in via the simple instructions and make whatever sorts of dungeons you like.

Using this random dungeon generator I have made a million dungeons – all with 10 as the Periodic Check number.

So they will be quite small in general.

Here you can randomly choose one of those:-

and here you can pick your own from 0 to 999999

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Monster Clustering

A few years ago I looked at this, have found it again, so here’s a start.

Not, many mess categories as you know, but here’s a plot from 2 that will fit on a screen.

Vermin and plants, some animals and common humanoids and your garden variety monstrous humanoids when you lump it at this very joined together level.

Kmodes method, just have to find where I put that part.

Map-Generation part 2

I have started looking at adapting this for HexDescribe type reasons.

For example: – is working on a epic random generator for a campaign you can read about at his blog – using HexDescribe

You can see some examples here and

Borrowing his business classifications for an example for the Map-Generation software:

The output for this program is GeoJSON, so thanks to QGIS – which is great open source software.

closeup example

Randomly perturbed Voronoi generation seems to work well for the random wanderiness of towns or cities that spring up.

The original code has churches, monasteries and Cathedrals. Pretty sure our D&D type games don’t need that sort of building type overload.

As well as GeoJSON – it has a viewer script that is basically QTing a PNG, so your usual plt.savefig() before that will get you that version of the output, saved, too. Need to make one that is labelled – maybe a geopandas .

Converting this to perl directly would take a bit of work – no higher level geospatial apis like shapely around there, so would have to redo in gdal directly :- Probably easier to wrap, for fun.

Desert Maps

Alex has made some adjustments to his Alpine algorithm for TextMapper to get better desert terrain – e.g. Australian. Lots of generic rpg maps assume European type things – e.g. cool to cold, whereas Australia is temperature to equatorial, in general.

This one is a nice example

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