The Million Dungeon Project

In January I adapted the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition Random Dungeon Generator to code, which is available here:-

This launches a container that you can run the code in via the simple instructions and make whatever sorts of dungeons you like.

Using this random dungeon generator I have made a million dungeons – all with 10 as the Periodic Check number.

So they will be quite small in general.

Here you can randomly choose one of those:-

and here you can pick your own from 0 to 999999

RPGs with text versions – finding them.

A project I have been meaning to do for ages is extract all games that are digital for searchability reasons. Can then do lots of fun NLP things with them of course.

This is a terrible job because of the planet’s love for that presentation format, the PDF. So some things are scans, some are a hack combo, some are a 4th generation format transfer. So lots of those will not work very well, so will have to do some sort of classification.

For example, the 1st edition AD&D DMG extracted fine first past but the Player’s Handbook did not. That sort of problem, then the OCR problem and others.

So an interest place to start going back the other way will be games that have actual text versions whether html [eg epub and websites], mobipocket, text files because of their age like FUDGE and others.

Some that spring to mind – Sine Nomine – Stars Without Number et al., Eclipse Phase, Dungeon World.

There are also on the web SRDs of various games so that would also be interesting.

On the NLP front you could end up with a multi-game version of ‘what is the general advice for a GM doing X’ answer capability.

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Monster Clustering

A few years ago I looked at this, have found it again, so here’s a start.

Not, many mess categories as you know, but here’s a plot from 2 that will fit on a screen.

Vermin and plants, some animals and common humanoids and your garden variety monstrous humanoids when you lump it at this very joined together level.

Kmodes method, just have to find where I put that part.



One of the strange monsters haunting the Mokuy skies. Likes the high places, but anywhere with bones to snack on.

Something like skeleton stats and eagle flight. Turn as skeletons.

AC,7,MV,12, Fl 30,HD,1-1,Thac0,20,3,NA,DM,1d4/1d4/1d4,SA,Special,SD,Special,SZ,M (4-6'),ML,,XP,100

1/2 damage from piercing weapons, etc.

The 1000 Dungeon Project

Thanks to the AD&D Random Dungeon Generator I wrote, I can parallelise, so doing this only takes less than a minute.

The basic random walk theory these talk is ‘Ahead’ is the y positive direction and always follow exits – e.g. stairs down (and can go up sometimes too).

The first 1000 dungeons I have done with 10 Periodic Checks as the DMG table calls them. e.g. a roll on the main table.

Here’s a summary :-

Wandering Monster Totals
Wandering Monster XP histogram
Monster numbers
Monster XP histogram

Here you can have the situation if you find an empy room it can have secret doors – beyond which are more rooms, which can have secret doors if empty – I have it so it follows that stack down, then goes back – e.g. Rooms are the interesting thing.

So with 10 checks, a couple of rooms is likely.

In fact, here are the medians for this batch of 1000:

monster_xp                            0.0
wm_xp                                 0.0
monster_total                         0.0
wm_total                              0.0
traps                                 1.0
rooms                                 2.0
total_treasure_copper                 0.0
total_treasure_silver                 0.0
total_treasure_electrum               0.0
total_treasure_gold                   0.0
total_treasure_platinum               0.0
total_treasure_gems                   0.0
total_treasure_jewellery              0.0
total_treasure_magic                  0.0
total_treasure_monster_copper         0.0
total_treasure_monster_silver         0.0
total_treasure_monster_electrum       0.0
total_treasure_monster_gold           0.0
total_treasure_monster_platinum       0.0
total_treasure_monster_gems           0.0
total_treasure_monster_jewellery      0.0
total_treasure_monster_magic          0.0
wm_total_treasure_copper              0.0
wm_total_treasure_silver              0.0
wm_total_treasure_electrum            0.0
wm_total_treasure_gold                0.0
wm_total_treasure_platinum            0.0
wm_total_treasure_gems                0.0
wm_total_treasure_jewellery           0.0
wm_total_treasure_magic               0.0
Coins                                11.0
Gems                                  0.0
Jewellery                             0.0
Magic                                 0.0
Total Gold Equivalent                21.5
x                                    13.0
y                                    16.0
z                                     1.0

Median room size is 13 by 16 – y dimensions are likely to be bigger.

So if we call a median room an exemplar, let’s have a look:

Selecting all the 13 by 16 the medians:
monster_xp                            0.0
wm_xp                                19.0
monster_total                         0.0
wm_total                              0.5
traps                                 0.0
rooms                                 3.5
total_treasure_copper                 0.0
total_treasure_silver                 0.0
total_treasure_electrum               0.0
total_treasure_gold                   0.0
total_treasure_platinum               0.0
total_treasure_gems                   0.0
total_treasure_jewellery              0.0
total_treasure_magic                  0.0
total_treasure_monster_copper         0.0
total_treasure_monster_silver         0.0
total_treasure_monster_electrum       0.0
total_treasure_monster_gold           0.0
total_treasure_monster_platinum       0.0
total_treasure_monster_gems           0.0
total_treasure_monster_jewellery      0.0
total_treasure_monster_magic          0.0
wm_total_treasure_copper              0.0
wm_total_treasure_silver              0.0
wm_total_treasure_electrum            0.0
wm_total_treasure_gold                0.0
wm_total_treasure_platinum            0.0
wm_total_treasure_gems                0.0
wm_total_treasure_jewellery           0.0
wm_total_treasure_magic               0.0
Coins                                60.0
Gems                                  0.0
Jewellery                             0.0
Magic                                 0.0
Total Gold Equivalent                60.0
x                                    13.0
y                                    16.0
z                                     2.0
Periodic Checks                      10.0

So these are therefore likely to have an exit to level 2 – [z = 2]

The distribution of area of the Dungeons:

Dungeon area, x by y by z

Here are the individual stats for the Dungeons:

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