OSR Guide For The Perplexed Questionnaire

1. One article or blog entry that exemplifies the best of the Old School Renaissance for me:

Today, I like this FASERIP Wildstorm supplement, Wildstorm being one of my favourite things.

There are some MSH groups on facebook doing things, for some reason not sensibly available on the internet in general, consistently. Don’t know why.

Just found there is an internet compilation of several of these at :- Gaming Nerds R Us Downloads

2. My favorite piece of OSR wisdom/advice/snark:

Have fun.

3. Best OSR module/supplement:

Bloody hell,hard to pick that one.

Today I will pick Frostbitten & Mutilated, as we have been adventuring there recently. Consistent, nasty, useful setting that can be dropped in a game pretty easily. Say, north of Vornheim for example Frostbitten & Mutilated. A very nice book in print.

4. My favorite house rule (by someone else):

Today, it is :-

So Many Bullets, So Little Time: Exactly how is it that Spider-Man is able to dodge automatic weapon fire from half a dozen armed thugs when, according to the rules, the most actions that any character can make in a single round is three?! Easy. Under the Agility FEATs listed in the Judge’s Book, dodging bullets is an Incredible Intensity Agility FEAT. So if the player controlling Spider-Man states that he is doing nothing else that round but Dodging, all he has to do is make an Agility FEAT versus the listed Intensity and viola! He’s dodged them all! Of course this only works if the hero has gone TOTALLY defensive. Any offensive actions made in the same round negate this option.

5. How I found out about the OSR:

In 2007 Phil Reed proposed a project to do a public domain version of TSR’s Marvel Superheroes, which I donated to, and 4C System was born. This got me interested in game stuff again after working basically 7 days a week for years. This led to OSRIC and to everything else from content to online gaming.

6. My favorite OSR online resource/toy:

The Classic Traveller character generator is excellent.

Scout Rin Itō B57AA5 Age 22
1 term Cr50,000

Skills: Jack-o-T-1, Mechanical-1, Pilot-1

Service History:
Attempted to enlist in Scouts.
Enlistment accepted.
Chose not to reenlist after first term.

7. Best place to talk to other OSR gamers:

Google+ certainly was it.

8. Other places I might be found hanging out talking games:

RPG Talk, OSR, Stars Without Number discords, and now MeWe. Occasionally facebook.

9. My awesome, pithy OSR take nobody appreciates enough:

The CR thing is waste of time, many decades happened without it.

10. My favorite non-OSR RPG:

Currently, Mindjammer :- Mindjammer RPG Which has a Traveller supplement I have linked to!

11. Why I like OSR stuff:

There is tons of great, creative stuff. Even some amazing quality published books that are lovely artifiacts.

12. Two other cool OSR things you should know about that I haven’t named yet:

Monster & Magic is a 3d6 resolution D&D game designed to work with all the old modules. Monsters & Magic RPG

13. If I could read but one other RPG blog but my own it would be:

The first one I think of is Christian Lindke’s Advanced Dungeons and Parenting

14. A game thing I made that I like quite a lot is:

Superhero Random Encounter Generator which distills a lot of stuff from a lot of games into a crazy mega-agglomeration of results to give gaming prompts.

15. I’m currently running/playing:

Lamentations of the Flame Princess.

16. I don’t care whether you use ascending or descending AC because:

It is arithmetic. I always think descending in my head and then have to convert, however.

17. The OSRest picture I could post on short notice:

X-Men vs Sauron in the Savage Land

Pulp Archetypes 2 – 18 good and bad

$9.95 – http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/51684/THRILLING-TALES-…

on sale today again

Academic Professor, Acrobatic Hero, Average Joe, — Amazon,
Cowboy, — Cat Burglar, Cult Leader,
— Foreign Spy,
Good Girl,
Magician, Man of Many Faces,
— Nazi Temptress,
Occult Gumshoe,
— Ruthless Dictator,
Swashbuckling Actor, — Shadowy Assassin, Sky Pirate,
Torch Singer,

0.55 Character Cost
0.82 Character Density

Pulp Archetypes – PL 6 Useful


$9.95 – http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/20905/THRILLING-TALES-…

Black Friday price $1.99 which is pretty decent (have to check normal price later to see if it is lower than 9.95)

The same sort of idea as the Freedom City Archetypes, specifically designed for a PL 6 game.

Ace Reporter, Air Ace,
Boxer, — Big Game Hunter,
Fortune Hunter, — Femme Fatale,
G-Man, — Gun Moll,
— Hooded Terror,
Man of Mystery, Mesmerist, — Mad Scientist, Mastermind, Mobster,
Noble Savage,
Rocket Ranger,
Trusted Sidekick,

0.52 Character Cost
0.79 Character Density

Iron Age: Vigilantes & Villains – Mini with some generic

Another minisupplement with 10 villains and a writeup for a generic vampire and soldiers of fortune.

$4.95 http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/54907/Iron-AgeVigilant…

Countess Azure, Countess Caret,
Carl “Dice” Desanto, Doc Abatoir,
Furies Three,
Melinda, Ms Malice,
Nat Fortune, Nathan W. Aurox,
Sir Razor, Soldier of Fortune,

Hero High Exchange Students – Another of the expensive colour mini supplements

Another of the expensive colour mini supplements :-

$4.95 – http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/55256/Hero-High-Exchan…

Agent H,
Mystery Mutt,
Sleet-Saru, Star of Africa,

0.50 Character Cost
0.71 Character Density

GURPS Supers Super Scum – Rather good value

This is certainly a good price. Old style and definitely not for those that like pretty. A couple of pages writeup per bad person, with variable power levels like 250 points and 750 points given at the end, for versatility. Some little adventure bits and the odd thug or robot, too.

$2.99 – http://e23.sjgames.com/item.html?id=SJG30-6111

Blaze, Battle Robot[Type I, Type II, ],
Cascade, Citrakaya, Corsair,
Doctor Radiation, Dominator, Domino,
Electra, Erik Bloodaxe,
Howard Vinewood, Hydra,
Mastabah, Mirage,
Nimba Cult Assassins,
Predator, Professor Possessor,
Red Tempest, Rictus,
Sample Thugs [Street, Military, Martial Arts,], Soul Ripper, Sponge, Snow Leopard,
Talon, Tele-Fist, Thunderbolt, Trade Agent, Tigress,
Ventura, Voltmaster,

0.08 Character Cost
0.56 Character Density

Annihilation Premium Event Book – Campaign with bonus rules and space mayhem

Interesting idea: have a campaign book that includes the basic rules. Possibly the winner for the most complicated dice mechanic ever with its d4 and d6 and d8 stepups and pools and doom pools and opportunities. Definitely interesting but takes a few minutes to get your head around. Dice needed by the bucketload. A program/calculator definitely good for this game. The game does lack a little in pointing out: yes do your own hero if you want, examples, but it is there. Plus a hero point type mechanic, which is always good. What the particular system of taking a die from various personality/power/skills etc. mechanic seems to encourage is the ability to allow greatly disparate characters to operate together. The low-granularity 4/6/8/10/12 levels brings various characters closer together, too. Perhaps a good thing when using a myriad of alreading setting created types.

Disappointingly, this does not have character stats for all the Guardians of the Galaxy. Presumably they were coming in the latter parts. As a campaign, it is broad strokes sections and ideas for a gamemaster who needs to fill in the details with the players. Some serious space opposition and fun to be had. Would be a good one to pillage for another game, too. Also has some ideas and similarities that could be used a la Icons and FATE, too. Better than I thought it would be.

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