Dungeon 23 – Lord Howe Island HexKit HexMap

Or as the more egotistical mad scientist might call it ‘Ruby Base’. This is at about 1km scale hex. The island is approximately 2 standard ‘day travel’ wilderness hexes N-S. Volcanic terrain of course making that part somewhat tougher.

Added to here https://github.com/bluetyson/Dungeon23-Mokuy/tree/main/Lord%20Howe%20Island

Dungeon23 – Maps and 3D Models

Lord Howe Island 3m merged DEM

I made a repository for these – or at least the lower resolution variety in the case of the DEMs.


Jupyter notebook here re: merging tiles for the high resolution DEM. Not got around to the point clouds as yet – and this may do for game purposes anyway.


The HexKit map and derivatives are in the Australia folder. https://github.com/bluetyson/Dungeon23-Mokuy/tree/main/Australia

The 3D models are in the Lord Howe Island Folder. https://github.com/bluetyson/Dungeon23-Mokuy/tree/main/Lord%20Howe%20Island

Dungeon23 – Mokuy hex map Australia – version 1

Not actually called Australia circa 1830 of course, but for reference.

Mokuy Australia hex map

A few different terrain types I think:

  • Coastal
  • Mountain
  • Desert
  • Rainforest
  • Heavy Bush
  • Bush
  • Alluvial
  • Grassland
  • Volcanic – for Lord Howe Island, or as the more egotistical residents like to term it, Ruby Base
  • Pine – for venturing to Norfolk Island

    Version with coordinates to come

    Dungeon23 Overview – Whatever happened to Dr Ruby?

    The basic setting

    1830s science fantasy Australia

    The setup:

    In 2042 the supervillian Dr Ruby apparently died. The Superhero 2044 game setting is post a six day nuclear war in 2003 and in 2029 the aliens from Formalhaut arrived.

    Dr Ruby destroyed the premier superteam. Ruby was a geologist and comuter scientist of fantastic ability. In their final standoff he threatened nuclear devastation, he instead ended up blowing up Mount Inguri, causing an eruption, killing most of the team and presumably Ruby.

    Not so. His forcefield and lava armour let him escape through a prepared tunnel out of the mountain – traces of which vanished in the volcanic eruption.

    Dr Ruby and Force Field
    Dr Ruby – Lava Armour

    The good doctor absconded to Lord Howe Island. Unknown to anyone, Dr Ruby was a team. His sister, a talented spy who could pass for the mysterious doctor and an even better computer scientist and physicist had prepared a lair there. Ironically, in a volcanic shield cone.

    There, she had made a breakthrough. Time travel. Limited, in that it could only go to one place and only backwards – around as far as a century. So most of the time she had been working on a base for the pair of them – but off the coast of 1830s to be Australia.

    Her brother’s antics provided cash and also distracted the Science Police and the Freedom League from finding out about her and her research.

    This secret base is #Dungeon23.

    Some background/overview musings can be found here https://cosmicheroes.space/blog/index.php/dungeon23/

    – with more Australia and 2044 notes.

    Secret duels of immortals throughout history


    “”‘I know not. But there are in decimal arithmetic repeated incidences called repetends. Continue the generation of numbers through all time, you have these repetends forever occurring. Can you explain this mystery of numbers? No. Neither can I explain the mystery of my life. Good night. I have wearied you.’
    “‘Stay,’ cried I, rashly, ‘the parallel is not yet complete. You have not met Forrester!’
    “‘No,’ cried Pontifex, his large eyes blazing with fire, ‘I have prayed that I might not meet him. I live in Melbourne at the scene of his crime, because it seems the least likely place to again behold him. If, by accident, in the streets I catch sight of one who resembles him I hurry. But I shall meet him one day, and then my doom will be upon me, and I shall kill him as I killed him in Padua four hundred years ago!'””

    The Conclave of Doom: The Secret Society of the Ring

    The Ring had been convened. A "session of denunciation" had been
    called in the manner provided by the traditional statutes of the
    Society, and Convict Henry Reynell, "Colonial" transport per Coquette,
    had been duly apprised that on the Sunday following, at three in the
    afternoon, he was to be charged with having violated the "laws." He,
    an initiate, had defied the Ring; he had told Captain Maconochie that
    "he would prove a true man to him"; and this after the Ring had
    ordered that in season and out of season the new Commandant was to be
    thwarted--not so much disobeyed as thwarted.
    When, within a month of Maconochie's arrival, it had become plain
    what sort of a man he was, the "One," on requisition from the "Three,"
    had convened a "Council of Order," at which it was enacted that the
    new Commandant was an "enemy."
    The business of a "Council of Order" was to enact "laws" and adopt
    "regulations." It was the least potential of the three descriptions of
    Ring gatherings.
    The second was that known as the "Session of Denunciation." It was
    convened only when a formal charge was to be laid against some member
    ("initiate" or "uninitiate") of the Society, or when some person not
    of the Society was to be denounced for his treatment of a member.
    The third was the "Conclave of Doom." At this meeting the fiat went
    forth for punishment, the executioner was appointed, and--if the doom
    was a capital one and the victim a member of the Society--the vacancy
    would be filled up.
    The "Council of Order" could be attended by any member of the Ring--
    whether he belonged to the initiated twenty-five, or to the
    uninitiated, "the novices," whose number was practically unlimited. It
    was invariably held during a meal-hour, for then only could a large
    muster be depended upon.
    The "Session of Denunciation" was attended by the "circles" only, or
    as many of them as could be present. It was usually held on the nights
    of Sundays or holy-days, in the Iron Room. The "circles" were, as a
    rule, in irons. "Clinks" and "Trumpeters" were rather regarded as Ring
    insignia. Occasionally it was held in the day-time; Reynell's was to
    be a day-session.
    As for the "Conclave of Doom," it was constituted only by the "One"
    and the "Three." If the "One" was in gaol, or in such other position
    that his attendance was impossible, then a majority of the members
    comprising the circles of "Three" and "Five" could proceed with the
    business. The convening of this culminating assemblage, however,
    rested absolutely with the "One." The "Three" could not constitute the
    Doom-session without his consent; and in this circumstance consisted
    the "One's" power of veto. The twenty-four men constituting the
    "circles" might pass a unanimous vote of "Death!" or other penalty,
    and by his simple refusal to convene a Doom--session within the period
    indicated by the law and custom of the Society--which period, in
    Maconochie's time, was three months--the presumed victim would go


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