FASERIP Conversions

Want to use other games with FASERIP/4CS?  Here is a quick rough and ready conversion chart for you to get you started or give you ideas.

Table document download here :- https://docs.google.com/document/d/12OYrC6JC08SAAGXepfiJIhDvy1AP7_G4t7gjxYVKlgA/edit


4CS M&M V&V Icons Fudge Bash Traveller GORE OSRIC BB Hero MEGS
Fb <= -4 2 1 -2 0 2,3 <=5 <= 5 1 0-3 0
Pr -2,-1 3-8 2 -1 0 4-5 6-8 6-8 2 4-9 1
Ty 0,1 9-11 3 +0 1 6-8 9-11 9-12 3 10-14 2
Gd 2,3 12-14 4 +1 2 9-A 12-24 13-16 4 15-19 3
Ex 4,5 15-17 5 +2 2 B-E 25-35 17-18 5 20-27 4
Rm 6,7 18-23 6 +3 3 F 36-60 19-20 6 28-44 5,6
In 8,9 24-29 7 +4 3 61-80 21-22 7 45-54 7-9
Am 10-12 30-49 8 +5 4 81-90 23 7 55-57 10
Mn 13,14 50-59 9 +6 4 91-100 24 7 58-59 11
Un 15 60-69 10 +7 5 101-119 24 8 60-79 12
ShX 16 70-79 10 +8 5 120-149 25 9-10 80-99 13-19
ShY 17,18 80-89 10 +9 5 150-199 25 11-12 100-119 20-24
ShZ 19+ 90+ 10 +10 5 200+ 25 13-14 120+ 25+


V&V = Villains & Vigilantes, M&M = Mutants & Masterminds 3rd, BB = Bulletproof Blues

Use the Fudge column for Fate, of course.

The Fate Freeport Companion – Elegant

An elegant adaptation of Dungeons and Dragons flavour with an interesting setting. Taking FATE Core type Skills and using a FATE Accelerated minimal list that are the classic six D&D abilities brings this rich setting to life.

Full of evil cults and Hobgoblin bartenders for some classic low fantasy possibilities along with the pirates and sea monsters.

An explanation of how to do the various classes with archetype builds, magic guidelines and a very nice beastie and flavourful NPC section make this a book well worth the time. Enough so I have now read it twice.

As has been suggested, a fine FATE gateway for d20 fantasy players as well as a good game.

The only thing lacking perhaps…although the downloads of FATE core and Accelerated are easily had: is a quick cheat sheet style ladder/action/outcome summary guideline page or four in the back.

9 out of 10

FATE Classic AD&D Character Creation

FATE Classic AD&D Character Creation

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, old school 1st Edition style. I only ever played 2nd edition very very briefly. Also you can get OSRIC here http://www.knights-n-knaves.com/osric/ for those like me that don’t have the original books anymore.

The basic skills are:


They begin at +1. See the end of this section for the ladder. For each, roll 8dF. That is 4dF twice, added together. Add the result to +1 to get your skill rank.

Five Mandatory Aspects: High Concept, Trouble, Race, Class and Alignment


Resources -2
Level +1

See document link for more :-

FATE Classic AD&D Character Creation

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