DC Adventures RPG: Universe – More characters than you would think

This has more than you would expect in it, having rather good Character Cost and solid enough character density…much more description spent on the various areas of the universe as opposed to characters, too.

Over 1/3 are of the villainous variety.

$20.00 – http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/113903/DC-ADVENTURES-U…

Arion, Amazon Warrior, Atomic Knight, Accomplished Perfect Physician, August General In Iron, Amon Hakk, Alley-Kat-Abra, Amethyst, — Whisper A’Daire, Kyle Abott, Artemiz,

Black Pirate, Bat Lash, Harvey Bullock, Director Bones, Brainiac II, Bounder, Brainiac III, Broot, Batman Beyond, Bruce Wayne, Blok, — Blackrock, Bernadeth, Black Beetle,

C.A.P., Checkmate Knight, Cameron Chase, Celestial Archer, Commander Ciji, Captain Carrot, Coluan Technician, — Jim Corrigan, Controller, Crystal Creature, Catwoman, Cyberpak,

Dan Turpin, D.E.O. Agent, Doc II, Doctor Occult, Doctor Thirteen, Daxamite, Durlan Spy, — Darkstar Envoy, Doctor Diehard, Dreamslayer, Dominator Soldier, Dark Circle Clone Soldier,

Enemy Ace, Elu, Earth-Man, — Epoch,

Fastback, — Faceless Hunter,

James Gordon, G. I. Robot, Gorilla City Guardsman, Ghost Fox Killer, Ghosts of the Wicked, Garv, Gates, — Gorgon,

Hawk Wingman, Highfather,

Imperial Guardian Lion, Immortal-Man-In-Darkness, — Intergang thug, Infinite Man,

Knight, Kilowog, Kamandi, Khund Cyber-Soldier, — Koolar Warrior,

Liberty Belle [Jesse Chammbers, Libby Lawrence Chambers,], Lady Quark, — Lord Havok, Lashina,

Josie Mac, Mother of Champions, Maxima, Mister E, Metron, — Bruno Mannheim, Manhunter Agent, Manhunter Android, Mercury Monster, Monguls, Mantis, Mad Harriet,

Naltorian Seer,

Pig-Iron, — Psion Researcher,


Rocket Red, Ryan D’R, Rubberduck, — Religion of Crime cultist,

Johnny Thunder, Thunderbolt, Jakeem Thunder, Tellus, — Time Commander, Time Trapper,

Scalphunter, Sgt Rock, Sasha Bordeaux, Special Crimes Unit, Maggie Sawyer,
Unknown Soldier, Solovar, Squire, Seven Deadly Brothers, Shaolin Robot, Socialist Red Guardian, StrataLady Quark, Starman, Shade the Changing Man, Science Police Officer, — Sonar, Lady Styx, Superboy-Prime, Stompa, Steppenwolf, Shadow Demons,

Thundermind, Tribulus, Tigorr, Titanian Refugee, — Tracer, Thunderers of Qward,


Vartox, — Virman Vundabarr,


Yankee Poodle,

Wildstar, Waverider, — White Martin, Wood King,

0.14 Character Cost
0.63 Character Density

The Bad Guys – Varied Power Levels in tiny type


Varied Power Levels from 4 to 19…tiny type

$7.95 http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/18281/The-Bad-Guys-an-…

Azeraphel, Ace of Wounds,
Big John, Broken Arrow, Black Thunder, Blitzenhammer, Boy Howdy, Bones,
Captain Valiant, Cimarron Starr,
Doctor Shock, Death Angel, Doctor Moloch PhD, Doctor Destructor, Double Deuce, Diamond Deuce,
Executive Solution D, Executive Solution M, Executive Solution Z, Executive Solution X, Executive Solution R, Executive Solution Q, Executive Solution F, Executive Solution Y, Executive Solution D,
Jim Flint [Mr Flint’s Bodyguards], Executive Solution D,
God, Grim Diddle, Grease Monkey,
Helen Damnation, Hammer of Doom,
Johnny Black, Jim Dandy,
Lone Star Lady, Lady Deuce,
Mano del Muerte, Moebius Man, Mother Moebius, Mr Fist,
Sicko the Clown, Snow Queen, Der Shreik, Steel Deuce, Mr Smith,
Der Totenkopf, Texas Twister,
U-Go-Grrrl, Unicorn,
Vampire Girl,
Wolf-Dog, Woodchuck Man,
Zyclon B, Zelma Zimmer,

0.14 Character Cost
0.35 Character Density

Runequest 6 Essential Edition

Artwork?  Pretty reminiscent of the RQ2 style in this.

Combat effects include Bleed and Impale as well as Bash and Stun  (ah, Crush sounds nastier!)

Fumbles….a fumble gains you a free increase of 1% in a skill later on.  That is a nice tweak.

Experience Rolls…GMs award these it seems rather that getting one for the successful use of a skill.  You then improve if you roll d100 > current skill and add INT as a bonus.  Then you go up 1d4+1%…fail the roll, go up 1%.

Then there is the paying for training version, as well.

The Disease and Poison Conditions table has 18!  Death is one. 🙂

Fatigue – rules for this, speaking of more conditions.  ‘Tracking Fatigue and its effects makes for additional book-keeping’

Permanent Injury Table….character loses 1/3, 2/3 or all but one Hit Points in a location.  Ouch!

Inanimate Object ratings – expanding on the swords/armour idea in RQ2 with tables, so a chair has 2 Armour and 6 Hit Points.  Solidly useful stuff games that have tables of that sort of thing.  Although of course can use the standard BRP opposition table for that sort of thing, fast version.

Page 77 – Combat can be a very deadly business:

This we knew, game of Impales (and Slashes and Crushes in the past, always used those too…so carnage and mayhem from all weapon types)

Initiative?  Ok, now they have gone MSH or V&V…1d10 and add to Strike Rank.  Which is reversed, so higher is better!

Proactive Actions you can do with action points, another list of options


Dither – A character can decide to simply waste his turn doing nothing useful

Special Effects – difference in combat success levels gets you them it seems…Impales etc also on here.

Ok, so Sunder is wreck their armour.

Magic Points to go with your Action Points.

The Fire table has Volcanic Lava.

Folk Magic – Dishevel…for when you needed a magical way to make your place look not cleaned?

Theism – “Not every being who receives worship is necessarily a god per se.”  Got that, Ray?

Cult of the Lord Dark Maggot might not be too pleasant.

Divine Intervention now Miracles by the looks.

Earthquake table, to go with the volcanos. Intensity 11+ ‘even colossal stone monuments like pyramids suffer partial collapse’

Chapter 15 has 35 pages of monsters, including a few flavourful ones like Chaos Hybrids, Panthotaurs, Baboons and Winged Apes.  And a big long Chaos Features table.

Character sheets, Combat Tracking Sheet and Index at the end.

USA-50: Book of the West – One a state, one side only good and bad

Got this in a bundle a while back. The premise is that each USA state should have a hero and people have collaborated to make them up. I don’t know if East exists.

Anyway it has multi-page hero and villain writeups with some campaign setting, hooks, hero interviews etc.

$3.42 – http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/86910/USA-50-West

Azure, Armored Waste Disposal Unit [Hector, Cassandra,],
Big Sky,
Captain California, Centennial,
— Doctor Mojave,
Estrella, Eco-Ranger,
— Fire-Bomb, Frost-Bite Baines,
Gem Stone, — Green-Tech, Grey-Snare,
Honey-Bee, — Hanford FX,
Miss Bison, — Kyle Millenion,
Orka Mortale,
— Purple Ox, Prairie Fire,
Silver Line, — Stone-Devil, Serpentyna, Sonora-X, Sorcera Madre,
Wild-Catter, Wind-Talker,

0.12 Character Cost
0.24 Character Density

Freedom City Archetypes & Legacies – Expensive versatility for Freedom Fans

These :-

$4.95 has http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/20192/Freedom-City-Arc…

1 page of OGL in this case

Champion of Light
Freedom Eagle II
Lor Star-Captain
Rogue Grue
Scarab Reborn
Shambala Master
Star Knight
Ultiman Exile
Utopian Envoy

0.50 Character Cost
0.71 Character Density

The FATE: of Rogue of the X-Men

Talking about MSH Rogue with Mike Lindsey on Google+ the other day so here’s my take at various stages of her career as far as a generic Fate Core game goes

Rogue – New to the X-Men

Reformed Evil Mutant power stealer
I can’t control mah power!
Not sure old baldy can really help me
My mother is a bad example
Mentally Unstable Dual Personality Immune to Takeover

+3 Deceive
+2 Athletics, Burglary, Physique
+1 Fight, Notice, Provoke, Stealth
-1 Lore, Will
3 Refresh

3 Physical Stress
1 Mental Stress
2 4 6 Consequences


*Ms Marvel Array – Flight (+1), Body Armour (+3), Super Strength (+3)
Power Absorption (+5)
Catch : Cannot absorb artificial abilities like power armour or extra body parts

Rogue must touch a victim with her bare skin and make a successful Power Absorption roll to take all their Stunts/Skills/Powers giving the victim a one scene unconscious Consequence. If there are powers or abilities equal to or higher than her level she must make a Physique roll or similarly take a one scene unconscious Consequence. If hers are higher already she keeps her own. Mental Skills or powers are not able to be copied. The effects last for a scene unless she deliberately or is forced to keep contact longer. If this happens she must make a Will roll to prevent permanent power theft. Being Mentally Unstable and adding a third personality would lower her Will another rank and increase her Mind Control immunity. If a scene is long it is fictionally appropriate for the powers to wear off, perhaps with a compel.


+0 Careful
+1 Clever
+1 Flashy
+3 Forceful
+2 Quick
+2 Sneaky


Rogue – Experienced Adventurer

X-Men’s Southern charmer
I can’t control mah power!
Boy, I am really frustrated
Not talking to my mum
Mentally Unstable Dual Personality Completely Psychically Immune

+4 Stealth
+3 Investigate, Deceive, Lore
+2 Athletics, Burglary, Fight, Physique, Provoke,
+1 Contacts, Drive, Notice, Rapport, Empathy
-1 Will

3 Refresh
3 Physical Stress
1 Mental Stress
2 4 6 Consequences


*Ms Marvel Array – Flight (+2), Body Armour (+3), Super Strength (+3), Super Notice (+3)

Power Absorption (+7)

Catch : Cannot absorb artificial abilities like power armour or affect energy beings. Those with +7 or better resistances to mental powers get a defense roll.

Rogue must touch a victim with her bare skin and make a successful Power Absorption roll to take all their Stunts/Skills/Powers giving the victim a one scene unconscious Consequence. If hers are higher already she keeps her own. If there are powers or abilities equal to or higher than her level she must make a Physique roll or similarly take a one scene unconscious Consequence. The effects last for a scene unless she deliberately or is forced to keep contact longer. If this happens she must make a Will roll to prevent permanent power theft. Being Mentally Unstable and adding a third personality would lower her Will another rank.


+0 Careful
+3 Clever
+2 Flashy
+3 Forceful
+1 Quick
+3 Sneaky


Rogue – Veteran Modern X-Man

Capable Team Leader Southern Belle
Finally I can control my power
Not talking to my mum
It is great to just be me again!
My thing for the bad boys is getting worse

+4 Stealth, Rapport, Empathy
+3 Athletics, Deceive, Fight, Investigate, Lore, Resources
+2 Burglary, Physique, Notice, Provoke, Contacts
+1 Drive, Shoot, Will

7 Refresh
3 Physical Stress
3 Mental Stress
2 4 6 Consequences


Power Absorption (+9)

Catch : Cannot absorb artificial abilities like power armour. Those with +9 or better resistances to mental powers get a defense roll.

Rogue must touch a victim with her bare skin and make a successful Power Absorption roll to take all their Stunts/Skills/Powers giving the victim a one scene unconscious Consequence. If there are powers or abilities equal to or higher than her level she must make a Physique roll or similarly take a one scene unconscious Consequence. If hers are higher already she keeps her own. The effects last for a scene.


+2 Careful
+3 Clever
+2 Flashy
+2 Forceful
+2 Quick
+3 Sneaky

Eugenics Brigade (ICONS Edition) Good value nazi super soldiers & zombie dobermans

Here’s a good value minisupplement at at $2.00 price http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/84119/Eugenics-Brigade…
in which you too can have nazi supersoldiers and zombie dobermans after you

ICONS version for me.

Count Fenris,
Dr Eugenik, Donnerschlag,
Kampfgruppe Eugenik,
Schlagring, Streitaxt,
Traumfrau, Thule Sorcerer,
Uberfallkommando, Uberkrieger, Ubermensch,

Three pages of OGL at the end, too, in this one.

0.13 Character Cost
0.83 Character Density

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