Having a Hway Old Time

A new alien race for use with FASERIP.

Fish people. Think Deep Ones but smarter and prettier, in a fish sense.

The Hway are generally religious cultists that use Lovecraftian warp entities to power their spaceflight and advanced technology.

Having enslaved the other races in their own system they are looking for new territories to expand to, convert and gain fresh young genetic material for experimentation.

Hway need special strains of mutant tomato family plants for their navigators to expand their consciousness enough to be able to control the strange and unreliable space travel. If a Hway Navigator fails a piloting roll, roll again for the warp entity they are controlling to see if it can break free. Generally they have been so abused they have Willpower at Poor(3) so will need an Oustanding Success. If they do and are near a planet the Warp Entity will crash the ship, causing catastrophic damage that can and will obliterate continents. Something that your local superheroes will try and stop.

The Hway will create genetic hybrids using other race DNA. For instances warriors with +2CS in Physical abilities and -2CS in Mental abilities. Or shadow warriors similarly, at +1CS and -1CS. Other creations are certainly possible, such as bioorganic powered attack drones. The Hway themselves have specialists much as do humans. So field agent spies would have superior physical abilities, increased Awareness and lowered Reason for example.

The Hway approach will be to offer technological gifts to leaders and nations they believe can be turned into collaborators and slowly spread their influence and control from their.

Normal Hway

Fundamentalist cultist
Propaganda and economic takeover first, shoot second

F: Poor (3)
A: Typical (5)
S: Good (8)
E: Good (8)
R: Good (8)
I: Poor (3)
P: Good (8)

Resources: Feeble (2)
Popularity: Good (-10)

Damage: 24
Fortune: 19

Other Skills

Water Breathing – The Hway are completely amphibious and can breathe water and air.
Science Good (10)


They have Poor (3) resistance to cold
Feeble (1) Body Armour versus physical damage thanks to having tough scales.
Fire and heat attacks gain +1 RS to damage.

Plot Hook

To give advance warning of intending insidious invidious invasionary inveigling, a Hway rebel hero has come to the home of the heroes. Possibly to prevent spaceship crashes.

Plot Hook

To give advance warning of intending insidious invidious invasionary inveigling, a Hway rebel hero has come to the home of the heroes. Possibly to prevent spaceship crashes. He’ll definitely be willing to make a deal and help all he can, especially if it involves knowledge of normal, Euclidean interstellar space travel.


Alien atheist rebel genius with a cause
Hyperspace or bust
Mutant tomatoes are the best
Standard explosive option
No other race can pronounce our real names
Loud omnishirt wearer

F: Typical (6)
A: Good (10)
S: Excellent (20)
E: Excellent (20)
R: Incredible (40)
I: Poor (4)
P: Excellent (20)

Resources: Remarkable (30)
Popularity: Good (10)

Health: 56
Karma: 64

Other Skills

Water Breathing – The Hway are completely amphibious and can breathe water and air.
Physics and Electronics – Squishy has Amazing Reason in these areas.


Squishy has Typical (6) resistance to cold
Typical (6) Body Armour versus physical damage thanks to having extra tough scales.

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