Desert Maps

Alex has made some adjustments to his Alpine algorithm for TextMapper to get better desert terrain – e.g. Australian. Lots of generic rpg maps assume European type things – e.g. cool to cold, whereas Australia is temperature to equatorial, in general.

This one is a nice example

Welsh Piper hex map algorithm – Python

In relation to HexDescribe and TextMapper – the random or Smale algorithm is the Welsh Piper’s.

There’s a follow on part linked for stocking hexes.

I translated this to python – partly as a ChatGPT exercise.

Where I did a few tweaks of the Primary and Secondary maps for the gnomeyland style based on the terrains I have put in Mokuy for HexDescribe.

Here’s the TextMapper map

and the HexDescribe tables so far – lengthy project the latter

I need a ship and ship crew generator, speaking of such things (and/or ChatGPT).

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