Level 26 is accomodation for the workers.
GM: Key 4 is the bathroom and toilets for the female minions. Where they have the good gin stashed.
Remarkable, Incredible and Amazing nerdiness
Level 26 is accomodation for the workers.
GM: Key 4 is the bathroom and toilets for the female minions. Where they have the good gin stashed.
Level 26 is accomodation for the workers.
GM: Key 3 is the small kitchen.
A program that can generate cities and towns, medieval Voronoi style. Along with a viewer that can produce graphcis the base output is json, which gives you vector data to use with other things. Very nice!
Here is an example of a possible configuration for the city to be generated:
city = City(10000, 10000, has_walls=True, has_castle=True) tools.json(city, '/generated_city/city.json')
Alex Schroeder told me about this one, I generally just installed a distro and then upgraded when necessary.
Where you can manage them locally.
I changed from shared hosting to an upgrade to allow some extra perl options – which didn’t really give what I wanted, but looks like this will.
Which should make it easier to contribute to his stuff from wherever, with a dev environment online to test things.
Level 26 is accomodation for the workers.
GM: Key 2 is the lift to over levels.
A good old GitHub list of resources, some of which we have been talking about
This is a 5 zone breakdown.
A-E, Tropical, Arid, Temperate, Continental, Polar
Or in a game sense, Jungle, Desert, Standard, Cold, Arctic
And put intermediate things in as you like
In relation to HexDescribe and TextMapper – the random or Smale algorithm is the Welsh Piper’s. https://welshpiper.com/hex-based-campaign-design-part-1/
There’s a follow on part linked for stocking hexes.
I translated this to python – partly as a ChatGPT exercise.
Where I did a few tweaks of the Primary and Secondary maps for the gnomeyland style based on the terrains I have put in Mokuy for HexDescribe.
Here’s the TextMapper map https://github.com/bluetyson/Dungeon23-Mokuy/blob/main/mokuy1.txt
and the HexDescribe tables so far – lengthy project the latter https://github.com/bluetyson/Dungeon23-Mokuy/blob/main/mokuytables.txt
I need a ship and ship crew generator, speaking of such things (and/or ChatGPT).
Alex Schroeder has an ‘Alpine’ hex map generation option in https://campaignwiki.org/hex-describe/ . This allows you to tweak heights for maps.
Also in TextMapper similarly. However, his native Switzerland and Australia are somewhat different in size and smoothness.
These are great and the code is also here:- https://github.com/kensanata?tab=repositories
You can see the power law distribution dropoff for Australian terrain, whereas Switzerland is much more elevated. e.g. Australia is an old, worn down continent, geologically.