AD&D 1e Monster tables combination

“Random monster encounter charts featuring all the dungeon appropriate (i.e. no aquatic, sylvan, etc.) creatures listed in the 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual, Fiend Folio, and Monster Manual II.”

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Dungeon23 – 005 Ruby Base Level 01 Key 4

The Ruby – surfaced
The Ruby submarine docked
The Ruby – docked
Ruby Base Level 01 grid map
Ruby Base Level 01 grid map

4) A giant metallic seeming sea craft is berthed here. GM: Level 01 is the submarine dock as can be clearly seen. Other key descriptions to follow.

Dungeon23 – 004 Ruby Base Level 00

The Ruby just starting to surface from the ocean
The Ruby surfacing in view of Ruby Base, heading for home

Level 0 as such would be this grid, seen from below, just a hull outline, partially submerged.

GM: Descriptions and details with Level 1. If players encounter via entering underwater in 1800s terms they see the bottom of a seacraft of unknown type and made of something which seems possibly metallic, but also unknown, no obvious joins with slight symmertric ridges.

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