Dungeon23 – 048 Ruby Base Level 37 Key 8

This is Dr Ruby’s Lab and one of her offices.

GM: At 8 is said energy device. It is related to trying to improve the time travel shenanigans that have gone badly wrong, in case they ever want to get out of here. It could, of course, kill every and if it degrades instead of improves, maybe wipe out a good chunk of what would become New South Wales.

Dr Ruby's Lab
High energy device control panel

Dungeon23 – 014 Ruby Base Level 11 Key 04

Level 11 is basically a giant storage unit. There are loads of large wooden crates any way you look GM:At Key 3, general tools and equipment, for carpentry, landscaping, metalwork and other professions at a general 19th century level: useful for general ship work here and there, too.

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