

From Ben Riely



F) In40
A) Rm30
S) Am50
E) Mn75
R) Ex20
I) Rm30
P) In40

Health: 195 Karma: 90
Resources: Rm Pop: -50

Known Powers:
Demon Physiology: Violator is a demon, whose very body gives him the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Immune to Disease, Toxin, Radiation, Fire and Heat: CL1000
-Immortal: Violator does not age
-Self-Sustenance: Doesn’t need to eat, sleep or breathe, Violator can survive in the vacuum of space
-Bite: Am Edge
-Claws: Am Edged, if Violator scores a Kill Result, a victim who fails to make a Yellow Endurance FEAT is instantly killed (unless he doesn’t need a heart or has more of them)
-Fire Breath: Mn
-Alter Ego: Violator can transform into The Clown.


Talents: Occult Background and Lore, Martial Arts B

Contacts: Malebolgia, Phlebiac Brothers




From Ben Riely


F) Mn75
A) Mn75
S) Mn75
E) CL3000
R) Mn75
I) Mn75
P) Un100

Health: 3225 Karma: 250
Resources: CL1000 Pop: -500

Known Powers:
Demonic Form: Malebolgia is a hostile supernatural being. Has the following power stunts:
-Power Source: Malebolgia derives his powers from the Eighth Plane of Hell. If he is away from the Eighth Plane, his Endurance drops to CL1000.
-Immortality: Malebolgia does not age, at least not at a rate humans can recognize.
-Dimension Travel: Un
-Diminution (Atomic Shrinkage): Un
-Enchantment: Sh-Z ability to create magical items, usually for the use of his minions.
-Enlargement (Atomic Growth): Un
-Forced Reincarnation: Un ability to take a disembodied soul and place it into a new body.
-Invisibility (all types): Un
-Kinetic Bolts: Mn Force or Energy
-Levitation: Un
-Magic Control: Un control over any magic anyone tries to use in his realm.
-Matter Control (all forms): Un
-Neural Manipulation: Un control over victims’ nervous systems and can cause up to power rank damage.
-Power Control: Un control over any physical powers anyone else tries to use in his dimension.
-Shapechange Others: Un
-Shrinking (Atomic Shrinkage): Un
-Sleep (Induced): Un
-Spirit Storage: CL5000 ability to seize and hold indefinitely millions of souls.
-Summoning: Un control over lesser supernatural beings.
-Gateway: Un
-True Invulnerability: Am protection vs. any attack except Magic.
-Undead Control: Un control over the lower forms of the undead.


Talents: Occult Background and Lore

Contacts: None



From Ben Riely



Al Simmons

F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Rm30
E) Am50
R) Gd10
I) Rm30
P) Rm30

Health: 140 Karma: 70
Resources: Pr Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Symbiote Suit gives him the following abilities:
-Body Armor: Ex protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Regeneration: Am
-Self Recovery: Un
-Self Revival: Un
-Shape Shifting: Mn
-Empathy: Am ability to “Sense/Feel” Misery, Pain and Hatred.
-Evolution: Spawn’s Symbiotic costume can evolve into a more advanced form, up to a maximum of an Un rank.
-Magical Energy Manipulation: Un ability to use magical energy to duplicate almost any power. Each time he uses this power above Rm rank, the power drops 1 point (from Un-100 to Un-99) permanently. Only in very extreme circumstances can this be recharged. He has used the following:
–Teleportation: Un
–Eldritch Bolts: Un
Chains: Un material, The chains can perform the following power stunts:
-Extra Attack: make an attack with +3cs to Fighting/Agility for In damage, Blunt or Edge
-Grappling: Grapple with Un ability
-Elongation: Fe


-Decapitation: Supposed to be the only way to definitively kill some Hellspawn.
-Heavenly Forged Weapons: such as Angelic Lances, Whips, Daggers, etc.
-Celestial Fire: Such as that wielded by The Redeemers and The Disciple.
-Wiccan Magic: Such as that used by Nyx but he has to be willing to submit to it.
-Heaven: His presence in Heaven, or in safe-zones of Heaven weaken him and his costume because of his nature as a hellborn warrior.
-Greenworld: He has no power in the ethereal realm of Greenworld.

Talents: All Martial Arts, Guns, Boxing, Marksmanship, Thrown Weapons, Edged Weapons, Weapons Engineering, Weapons Tinkering, Military, Intimidation/Interrogation, Detective/Espionage, Demolitions, Survival, Blending, Stealth

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