Mayfair DC Heroes Character Database: Tables

Remarkable, Incredible and Amazing nerdiness
Superhero rpg facts forgotten: Vibe had Artist (break dancing): 3
I guess being a superhero prevents getting those moves really down!
Fate – DC Heroes
+0 -1 Easy
+1 +0 Average
+2 +1 Challenging
+3 +2 Difficult
+4 +3 Strenuous
+5 +4 Extreme
+6 +5 Pushing the Limit
+7 +6 Herculean
+8 +7 Beyond the Limit
Want to use other games with FASERIP/4CS? Here is a quick rough and ready conversion chart for you to get you started or give you ideas.
Table document download here :- https://docs.google.com/document/d/12OYrC6JC08SAAGXepfiJIhDvy1AP7_G4t7gjxYVKlgA/edit
4CS | M&M | V&V | Icons | Fudge | Bash | Traveller | GORE | OSRIC | BB | Hero | MEGS |
Fb | <= -4 | 2 | 1 | -2 | 0 | 2,3 | <=5 | <= 5 | 1 | 0-3 | 0 |
Pr | -2,-1 | 3-8 | 2 | -1 | 0 | 4-5 | 6-8 | 6-8 | 2 | 4-9 | 1 |
Ty | 0,1 | 9-11 | 3 | +0 | 1 | 6-8 | 9-11 | 9-12 | 3 | 10-14 | 2 |
Gd | 2,3 | 12-14 | 4 | +1 | 2 | 9-A | 12-24 | 13-16 | 4 | 15-19 | 3 |
Ex | 4,5 | 15-17 | 5 | +2 | 2 | B-E | 25-35 | 17-18 | 5 | 20-27 | 4 |
Rm | 6,7 | 18-23 | 6 | +3 | 3 | F | 36-60 | 19-20 | 6 | 28-44 | 5,6 |
In | 8,9 | 24-29 | 7 | +4 | 3 | 61-80 | 21-22 | 7 | 45-54 | 7-9 | |
Am | 10-12 | 30-49 | 8 | +5 | 4 | 81-90 | 23 | 7 | 55-57 | 10 | |
Mn | 13,14 | 50-59 | 9 | +6 | 4 | 91-100 | 24 | 7 | 58-59 | 11 | |
Un | 15 | 60-69 | 10 | +7 | 5 | 101-119 | 24 | 8 | 60-79 | 12 | |
ShX | 16 | 70-79 | 10 | +8 | 5 | 120-149 | 25 | 9-10 | 80-99 | 13-19 | |
ShY | 17,18 | 80-89 | 10 | +9 | 5 | 150-199 | 25 | 11-12 | 100-119 | 20-24 | |
ShZ | 19+ | 90+ | 10 | +10 | 5 | 200+ | 25 | 13-14 | 120+ | 25+ |
V&V = Villains & Vigilantes, M&M = Mutants & Masterminds 3rd, BB = Bulletproof Blues
Use the Fudge column for Fate, of course.
This features the Suicide Squad…and their opposition. So pretty much all villains with a little antihero flavour occasionally.
Plus support staff, etc.
Black Orchid, Bronze Tiger, Blockbuster, Brimstone, Bernadeth, Badb, Bolshoi,
Captain Boomerang, Captain Cold, Chronos,
Deadshot, Duchess, Djinn,
Rick Flag,
Glorious Godfrey,
Javelin, Jaculi I, Jaculi II,
Killer Frost, Koschei the Deathless,
Mindboggler, Mr. 104, Multiplex, Mad Harriet, Manticore I, Manticore II, Manhunters,
Nemesis, Nightshade,
Penguin, Parasite, Plastique, Privateer, Psi, Pravda,
Ravan, Rustam,
Shade the Changing Man, Slipknot, Speedy, Stompa, Sickle,
Weasel, William Hell,
background on the support staff, but no stats
Character Density = 1.16
In the first edition one at least, Batman may have had a higher bad guy to good guy ratio than most.
Batman, Batgirl, Harvey Bullock, Black Lightning,
Catwoman — Clayface II, Croc, Cat Man, Crazy Quilt,
— Deadshot,
Lucius Fox,
Commissioner Gordon, Geo-Force,
— Joker,
Metamorpho — Mr. Freeze, Man Bat, Mad Hatter,
Nightwing, Nocturna, — Night-Slayer,
— Penguin, Poison Ivy,
Robin, Julia Remarque, — Riddler, R’as Al Ghul,
— Hugo Strange, Scarecrow,
Talia, Two Face,
Vicki Vale,
There’s an extensive map of the various levels of Batman’s joint, too.
Mr Atom,
Batman, Batgirl/Oracle, — Black Spider, Bonecrusher,
Commissioner Gordon, Catwoman, — Cat-Man, Cavalier, Clayface II, Clayface III, Crazy Quilt, Calvin & Clifford Clate, Brain Taylor, Elton Craig,
— Deacon Blackfire, Deadshot, John Dolan, Joe Dolan,
Lucius Fox, Fay “Ma” Gunn,
Sergeant Harvey Hainer,
— Joker, Shorty Jackson,
— KGBeast, Killer Moth,
— Mad Hatter, Man-Bat, Mister Freeze,
— Penguin, Poison Ivy, Alfred Pennyworth,
Robin, — Reaper, Riddler, R’as Al Ghul,
— Hugo Strange, Scarecrow, Charley Stark, Eddie Stark,
Dr. Leslie Thompkins — Two Face, Talia, Tweedledee, Tweedledum,
Vicki Vale,
The second edition has some adventure, Batcave and Utility Belt diagrams
CD = 0.47
Old school satellite era bad guy invasion hijinks.
Plus, Star Labs are naughty people.
To capitalise on the Bat-movie craze at the time
Has a 22 page Character section
Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing, Nemesis, Question, Pennyworth, Gordon, Vale
Calendar Man, Cat-Man, Catwoman, Clayface II, , Clayface III, Copperhead, Croc, Doctor Tzin-Tzin, Joker, Kobra, Mad Hatter, Man-Bat, Mikado, Penguin, Poison Ivy, Riddler, Scarecrow, Two-Face
so a couple of others of interest and notable for having more foes than friends
Superheroes and Milestones
Having reread Super Squadron again recently, one interesting part near the end of that game involves the conversion of existing experienced heroes to the system, which does have an experience level statistic.
The ballparks used are comics the hero is currently starring in. If you are comic geeky enough you could certainly do that, or find out all the series that people are in. It gave fractional experience level awards if part of a team…e.g. X-Men, etc.
If you like more granular standard four-colour superheroics with respect to established heroes and your newbie Fate characters this an idea that I have been considering.
A simple way to look at it for Fate and its standard Milestone experience system would be to award a Major Milestone for each year of existence of the character. Perhaps lowered if only part of a team in a comic sense, as per Super Squadron. Divide by two or by four or something along those lines.
So, for example :
Starting Character, Fate Core
High Concept: Last Son of Krypton
Trouble: Kryptonite does bad things, whatever the colour
Aspect 1: Secret Identity, mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent
Aspect 2: Just a smalltown farmboy at heart
Aspect 3: Truth, Justice and the American Way
3 Athletics
0 Burglary
1 Contacts
0 Crafts
0 Deceive
0 Drive
1 Empathy
3 Fight
0 Investigate
2 Lore
2 Notice
4 Physique
0 Provoke
2 Rapport
1 Resources
1 Shoot
0 Stealth
0 Will
Refresh 2
Super Leaping
Super Strength
Super Speed
Archetypal Current Character, 75 years later
High Concept: Last Son of Krypton
Trouble: Kryptonite does bad things, whatever the colour
Trouble: Not a magic fan
Trouble: Responsibility for all
Aspect 1: Secret Identity, mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent
Aspect 2: I finally married the persistent reporter Lois Lane
Aspect 3: I have a Super Dog!
3 Athletics
0 Burglary
5 Contacts
2 Crafts
2 Deceive
1 Drive
5 Empathy
8 Fight
0 Investigate
4 Lore
8 Notice
13 Physique
4 Provoke
5 Rapport
3 Resources
6 Shoot
1 Stealth
2 Will
Refresh 6
Super Leaping
Super Strength
Super Speed
Heat Vision
–Heat Vision Attack Bonus
Super Hearing
Microscopic Vision
X-Ray Vision
Super Breath
Telescopic Vision
Lore [Krypton]
Lore [Farming]
Life Support
–Immunity, no need to breathe
Fortress of Solitude Headquarters