Köppen climate classification

This is a 5 zone breakdown.

A-E, Tropical, Arid, Temperate, Continental, Polar

Or in a game sense, Jungle, Desert, Standard, Cold, Arctic

And put intermediate things in as you like

Köppen climate types
Koppen Climate Classifications – Wikipedia

Welsh Piper hex map algorithm – Python

In relation to HexDescribe and TextMapper – the random or Smale algorithm is the Welsh Piper’s. https://welshpiper.com/hex-based-campaign-design-part-1/

There’s a follow on part linked for stocking hexes.

I translated this to python – partly as a ChatGPT exercise.


Where I did a few tweaks of the Primary and Secondary maps for the gnomeyland style based on the terrains I have put in Mokuy for HexDescribe.

Here’s the TextMapper map https://github.com/bluetyson/Dungeon23-Mokuy/blob/main/mokuy1.txt

and the HexDescribe tables so far – lengthy project the latter https://github.com/bluetyson/Dungeon23-Mokuy/blob/main/mokuytables.txt

I need a ship and ship crew generator, speaking of such things (and/or ChatGPT).

Mokuy – Australia hex mapping, Hex Describe and Hex Mapper

Alex Schroeder has an ‘Alpine’ hex map generation option in https://campaignwiki.org/hex-describe/ . This allows you to tweak heights for maps.

Also in TextMapper similarly. However, his native Switzerland and Australia are somewhat different in size and smoothness.

These are great and the code is also here:- https://github.com/kensanata?tab=repositories

Austrlia DTM stats
Australia DTM Histogram

Switzerland DTM stats
Switzerland DTM stats

You can see the power law distribution dropoff for Australian terrain, whereas Switzerland is much more elevated. e.g. Australia is an old, worn down continent, geologically.

Mokuy – Terra Australis

This is Australia as known circa 1800 – there is the colony at Port Jackson/Sydney and up the Hawkesbury River to Coal River/Newcastle.

Van Diemen’s Land also had British settlers in 1803. Unfortunately, a Ruby time travel destructive side effect put paid to that. The coastline mapped, but the continent is just a big hexcrawl at this time.


Matthew Flinders Terra Australis map
Terra Australia

Dungeon23 – 033 Ruby Base Level 24 Key 9

Level 24 is the Captain’s quarters;

GM: At Key 9 is a whole bunch of storage of fancy captain gear, supplies, weapons and booze. Along with one stuffed bear, for some unaccountable reason.

Ruby Base Level 24
Storage crates. Random stuffed bear.

Dungeon23 – 032 Ruby Base Level 24 Key 8

Level 24 is the Captain’s quarters;

GM: At Key 8 is a luxurious lounge, entertainment and relaxation area, complete with billiard table.

Ruby Base Level 24
3 captains playing snooker in Ruby Base
Luxurious lounge with billiard table

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