FAE: The Muppet Show – A New Season

Draft 1.0 – April 29, 2013 – Blue Tyson

A comedy improv scenario. One person plays Kermit and tries to wrangle the other players pseudo-GM style into putting together a show for the night, including thinking up a guest star for this new season of the show.

To make it snappy, rotate roles and enforce an actual showtime of around 20 actual minutes on each episode. With half a dozen players, a 2-3 hour game session with breaks of as many episodes as there are players, if a longer game is desired.

Much opportunity for social conflict, with the odd shooting out of a cannon or kung fu chop to be had. Or literal dropping of the curtain on someone with the addition of an occasional monster stomping.

Who can inflict Wayne and Wanda, dancing haggis or Russell Crowe singing on people the longest? Have a terrible opening number, a star vehicle, a couple of others and a star finale if you want a possible structure. With between number craziness backstage in between.

Fate points should be gained for making people laugh, limelight hogging, terrible puns and outlandish acts. And perhaps incredibly flamboyant failure. Twenty minutes of cross-table invoke and compel chaos. Bonus for survived pig jokes.

Another fun wrinkle might be to put the characters into a hat and pick at random, with more in the hat than there are people to play them, to get a rotating cast. Or guest MC even, if no-one picks Kermit.

Feel free to add more muppets into the hat, as you think of them, but these are the major talking players.

A suggested added problem. If ANYONE rolls – – – – on 4dF, Crazy Eddie shows up and starts blowing things up at random.

Muppet Theatre

Mostly Menagerie Proof Building
Surviving from payment to payment
Hardworking, slow and long-suffering handyman Beau
Backstage madhouse


Muppet Wrangling MC
Matrimony Dodger

Ca +3
Cl +2
Fl +1
Fo +1
Qu +2
Sn +0

Miss Piggy

Limelight hogging woeful warbler
Karate chopper
Frog chaser
Nurse Piggy
First Mate Piggy

Ca +1
Cl +2
Fl +2
Fo +3
Qu +1
Sn +0


Chronic comedic failure

Ca +1
Cl +0
Fl +3
Fo +2
Qu +2
Sn +1


Ivory Tinkler
Dr Bob

Ca +2
Cl +2
Fl +3
Fo +1
Qu +1
Sn +0


Geek act innovative failure
Chicken lover

Ca +0
Cl +1
Fl +3
Fo +2
Qu +2
Sn +1

Statler and Waldorf

Curmudgeonly critical commentators needing chairs,

Ca +1
Cl +2
Fl +3
Fo +2
Qu +0
Sn +1


Hardworking assistant
Inappropriate skateboarder

Ca +3
Cl +2
Fl +1
Fo +0
Qu +2
Sn +1


Skin Artist
Extreme Sports Afficionado

Ca +0
Cl +1
Fl +2
Fo +3
Qu +2
Sn +1

Sam the Eagle

Moral decline chronicler

Ca +3
Cl +2
Fl +1
Fo +2
Qu +1
Sn +0

Dr Bunsen Honeydew

Optimistic mad scientist

Ca +0
Cl +3
Fl +2
Fo +2
Qu +1
Sn +1


Whimpering guinea pig

Ca +3
Cl +2
Fl +2
Fo +1
Qu +0
Sn +1

Floyd Pepper

Drummer wrangler
Electric Mayhem Bassist

Ca +1
Cl +0
Fl +3
Fo +2
Qu +2
Sn +1


Electric Mayhem Lead Guitarist
Nurse Janice
Occasional Tambourine Basher

Ca +2
Cl +0
Fl +3
Fo +1
Qu +2
Sn +1


Rodent management

Ca +1
Cl +2
Fl +0
Fo +1
Qu +2
Sn +3

FATE – Traveller: Heroic Adventurer

High Concept: Heroic Adventurer
Arrogant and Confident

+6 Strength [on adopted homewold]
+6 Dexterity [on adopted homewold]
+6 Endurance [on adopted homewold]
+1 Intelligence
+2 Education
+7 Social Standing [on adopted homeworld]

+6 Sword, Blade, Dagger
+5 Leader
+4 Air/Raft
+3 Tactics
+2 Gunnery, Guns [19th Century]


Telepathy [Haphazard]
Teleporation [Interplanetary but not under conscious control]

Mordenkainen’s Fantastic Adventure and the Multiverse

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/93/WG5MordenkainenFantasticAdventureCover.jpgMordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure

I have always mused at the end of this that after finding the possibilites in the Tome of the Black Hand, that the Lost City of the Elder is :-


Grimjack multiverse

This multiversal possibility leading to the ability to travel to any game universe. Gotham City, Ringworld, Glorantha, etc.

Shadow, Sword and Spell: Expert – Running the joint

The second Shadow, Sword and Spell game book deals with what happens as adventurers gain experience, influence and power. It has rules for leading groups, cities and armies including economies, labor, trade and warfare. Plus some fun stuff on scheming, politics and other underhanded non-sword slinging type conflicts. Magic, alchemy advanced, relics and tomes and there’s also some creatures, which include the mythological and the Lovecraftian. A fine game, continued.

Runequest 6 Essential Edition

Artwork?  Pretty reminiscent of the RQ2 style in this.

Combat effects include Bleed and Impale as well as Bash and Stun  (ah, Crush sounds nastier!)

Fumbles….a fumble gains you a free increase of 1% in a skill later on.  That is a nice tweak.

Experience Rolls…GMs award these it seems rather that getting one for the successful use of a skill.  You then improve if you roll d100 > current skill and add INT as a bonus.  Then you go up 1d4+1%…fail the roll, go up 1%.

Then there is the paying for training version, as well.

The Disease and Poison Conditions table has 18!  Death is one. 🙂

Fatigue – rules for this, speaking of more conditions.  ‘Tracking Fatigue and its effects makes for additional book-keeping’

Permanent Injury Table….character loses 1/3, 2/3 or all but one Hit Points in a location.  Ouch!

Inanimate Object ratings – expanding on the swords/armour idea in RQ2 with tables, so a chair has 2 Armour and 6 Hit Points.  Solidly useful stuff games that have tables of that sort of thing.  Although of course can use the standard BRP opposition table for that sort of thing, fast version.

Page 77 – Combat can be a very deadly business:

This we knew, game of Impales (and Slashes and Crushes in the past, always used those too…so carnage and mayhem from all weapon types)

Initiative?  Ok, now they have gone MSH or V&V…1d10 and add to Strike Rank.  Which is reversed, so higher is better!

Proactive Actions you can do with action points, another list of options


Dither – A character can decide to simply waste his turn doing nothing useful

Special Effects – difference in combat success levels gets you them it seems…Impales etc also on here.

Ok, so Sunder is wreck their armour.

Magic Points to go with your Action Points.

The Fire table has Volcanic Lava.

Folk Magic – Dishevel…for when you needed a magical way to make your place look not cleaned?

Theism – “Not every being who receives worship is necessarily a god per se.”  Got that, Ray?

Cult of the Lord Dark Maggot might not be too pleasant.

Divine Intervention now Miracles by the looks.

Earthquake table, to go with the volcanos. Intensity 11+ ‘even colossal stone monuments like pyramids suffer partial collapse’

Chapter 15 has 35 pages of monsters, including a few flavourful ones like Chaos Hybrids, Panthotaurs, Baboons and Winged Apes.  And a big long Chaos Features table.

Character sheets, Combat Tracking Sheet and Index at the end.
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